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Cranial ultrasound and MRI : complementary or not in the diagnostic assessment of children with congenital CMV infection?
Results of a multicenter registry for congenital cytomegalovirus infection in Flanders, Belgium : from prenatal diagnosis over neonatal management to therapy
Prospective multicenter comparison of urine culture with PCR on dried blood spots using 2 different extraction and PCR methods in neonates suspected for congenital cytomegalovirus infection
Blood culture indications in critically ill neonates : a multicenter prospective cohort study
Impact of healthcare-associated sepsis on mortality in critically ill infants
Prediction models for neonatal health care-associated sepsis: a meta-analysis
Prediction of healthcare-associated bloodstream infection in critically ill neonates
Clinical indications for blood culturing in critically ill neonates stratified by birth-weight
Clinical predictors of neonatal healthcare-associated bloodstream infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Selecting neonates with congenital cytomegalovirus infection for ganciclovir therapy