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Uncertainty quantification of the wall thickness and stiffness in an idealized dissected aorta
Hemodynamics and wall shear metrics in a pulmonary autograft : comparing a fluid-structure interaction and computational fluid dynamics approach
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Pulse wave velocity : a clinical measure to aid material parameter estimation in computational arterial biomechanics
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Pulse wave velocity as a guide to reduce the material parameterspace in arterial computational biomechanics
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Biomechanical wall thickness and stiffness uncertainty quantification in an idealized model of the pre-stretched dissected aorta
Biomechanical wall thickness and stiffness uncertainty quantification in a pre-stretched model of the dissected aorta
Growth and remodeling in the pulmonary autograft : computational evaluation using kinematic growth models and constrained mixture theory
Fluid-structure interaction of simplified Ross procedure as stepping stone to a fluid-solid-growth framework of arterial tissues