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Cardiovascular comorbidities in psoriatic arthritis : epidemiology and risk factors in two different European populations
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Levelling the playing field of RMD research across Europe to address patients' needs : the emerging EULAR Research Centre
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Real-world efficacy and safety of apremilast in Belgian patients with psoriatic arthritis : results from the prospective observational APOLO study
The burden of psoriatic arthritis in the biologics era : data from the Belgian Epidemiological Psoriatic Arthritis Study
Inflammasome activation in ankylosing spondylitis is associated with gut dysbiosis
Tendon and ligament mechanical loading in the pathogenesis of inflammatory arthritis
Moving forward from drug-centred to patient-centred research
Running promotes chronicity of arthritis by local modulation of complement activators and impairing T regulatory feedback loops
Expert consensus : practical algorithms for management of inflammatory bowel disease patients presenting with back pain or peripheral arthropathies
Mechanical strain determines the site-specific direction of inflammation and tissue damage in arthritis