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Attitudes towards same-sex parenting in Italy : the influence of traditional gender ideology
Same-sex and different-sex parent families in Italy : is parents' sexual orientation associated with child health outcomes and parental dimensions?
Sexism and attitudes toward same-sex parenting in a sample of heterosexuals and sexual minorities : the mediation effect of sexual stigma
Assessing prejudice toward two-father parenting and two-mother parenting : the beliefs on same-sex parenting scale
Same-sex and different-sex parent families in Italy : parenting dimensions and child health outcomes
Same-sex parent families in Italy : validation of the coparenting scale-revised for lesbian mothers and gay fathers
Homonegativity in Italy : cultural issues, personality characteristics, and demographic correlates with negative attitudes toward lesbians and gay men
Lesbian mother families and gay father families in Italy : family functioning, dyadic satisfaction, and child well-being
Suicidal ideation in Spanish and Italian lesbian and gay young adults : the role of internalized sexual stigma