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The added value of CoreVESS score and penetration resistance in predicting the soil-water retention curve
Evaluating ensemble learning in developing pedotransfer functions to predict soil hydraulic properties
Evaluation of soil structure degradation in relation to soil physical and hydraulic properties
(2023) -
Visual assessment of soil structural quality across soil textures and compaction levels, part II : examination of profile walls vs intact soil cores
Visual assessment of soil structural quality across soil textures and compaction levels, part I : examination of intact soil cores
The star formation rate-radius connection : data and implications for wind strength and halo concentration
Quenching as a contest between galaxy halos and their central black holes
An integrated gene expression landscape profiling approach to identify lung tumor endothelial cell heterogeneity and angiogenic candidates (vol 37, pg 21.e1, 2020)
An integrated gene expression landscape profiling approach to identify lung tumor endothelial cell heterogeneity and angiogenic candidates
Fabrication of Ni(OH)2&NiOOH film/Ni electrode and the effect of NaOH concentration on its glucose detection