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Industrial hemp as a sustainable source of textile fibe : optimization of hemp cultivation in Flanders
A comparison of the nutritional value of Einkorn, Emmer, Khorasan and modern wheat : whole grains, processed in bread, and population-level intake implications
Does shifting from conventional to zero tillage in combination with a cover crop offers opportunities for silage maize cultivation in Flanders?
The potential of Brassicaceae biofumigant crops to manage Pleiochaeta setosa in sustainable lupin cultivation
Mixed silages of fodder beet and different feedstuffs : quality and nutritive value
Straw yield and quality : an extra motivation for the introduction of triticale in mixed farming systems
Harvest date does not influence variety ranking in Belgian forage maize variety trials
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Integrated weed control in maize
Noodzaak van geïntegreerde onkruidbestrijding bij maïs
Weed population in relation to crop rotation and nitrogen fertilisation