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Connected and satisfied : the relationship between ethnic connectedness, life satisfaction and ethnic school composition among adolescents from nine ethnic groups
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Teachers’ perceived societal appreciation : PISA outcomes predict whether teachers feel valued in society
On the digital lane to citizenship? Patterns of internet use and civic engagement amongst Flemish adolescents and young adults
Ervaren discriminatie in een samenleving van minderheden
Social differences in leisure boredom and its consequences for life satisfaction among young people
'If only they had a file on every pupil' : on the mismatch between truancy policy and practice
Religious quest orientation and anti-gay sentiment : nuancing the relationship between religiosity and negative attitudes toward homosexuality among young Muslims and Christians in Flanders
De grenzen van barmhartigheid: nuances in de negatieve attitudes ten aanzien van homoseksualiteit bij christelijke en moslimjongeren
Langs digitale weg dan maar? Patronen van internetgebruik en politieke participatie bij Vlaamse jongeren
De ene school is de andere niet: over concentratie en segregatie in het Vlaamse scholenlandschap