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Short-term opioid treatment of acute locomotor pain in older adults : comparison of effectiveness and safety between tramadol and oxycodone : a randomized trial
- Journal Article
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The association between objectively measured physical activity and the prevalence of comorbidities in lung transplant recipients
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Physical activity coaching in patients with interstitial lung diseases : a randomized controlled trial
- Journal Article
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Opioids in geriatric units in 14 Belgian hospitals : prevalence, dosage and associated factors
- Journal Article
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Pulmonary rehabilitation and physical interventions
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Radiologic and histologic correlates of early interstitial lung changes in explanted lungs
- Journal Article
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COVID-19 progression in hospitalized patients using follow-up in vivo CT and ex vivo microCT
Terminal care in oldest old dying from COVID-19 in the acute hospital : a multicenter study describing pharmacological treatment in the last 24 h
Terminal care in oldest old dying from COVID-19 in the acute hospital : a multicenter study describing pharmacological treatment in the last 24 h (vol 55, 135, 2022)
Een geriatrische patiënte met een perirectaal abces, pyleflebitis en multipele pyogene leverabcessen : een gevalsbespreking