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The effects of combined exposure to simulated microgravity, ionizing radiation, and cortisol on the in vitro wound healing process
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High-LET carbon and iron ions elicit a prolonged and amplified p53 signaling and inflammatory response compared to low-LET X-rays in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Gravity-related immunological changes in human whole blood cultured under simulated microgravity using an in vitro cytokine release assay
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Functional gene analysis reveals cell cycle changes and inflammation in endothelial cells irradiated with a single X-ray dose
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Differential impact of single-dose Fe ion and X-ray irradiation on endothelial cell transcriptomic and proteomic responses
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Radiation-induced alternative transcription and splicing events and their applicability to practical biodosimetry
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Identification of novel radiation-induced p53-dependent transcripts extensively regulated during mouse brain development
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Chronic exposure to simulated space conditions predominantly affects cytoskeleton remodeling and oxidative stress response in mouse fetal fibroblasts
Transcriptomic profiling suggests a role for IGFBP5 in premature senescence of endothelial cells after chronic low dose irradiation
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Modulation of gene expression in endothelial cells in response to high LET nickel ion irradiation