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Does it pay off to act conscientiously, both now and later? Examining concurrent, lagged, and cumulative effects of state conscientiousness
- Journal Article
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- open access
Person-centered modeling : techniques for studying associations between people rather than variables
Reciprocal relationships between narcissism and agentic versus communal work activities across the first 6 years of the career
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- open access
Contemporary methodological considerations for key issues in research on personality disorder development
- Journal Article
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Can communal work activities reduce supervisors’ state grandiose narcissism? A 10-day experience sampling study
- Journal Article
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- open access
Translating trait to state assessment : the case of grandiose narcissism
- Journal Article
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- open access
The leadership arena-reputation-identity (LARI) model : distinguishing shared and unique perspectives in multisource leadership ratings
Multilevel modeling for careers research
Reciprocal effects between daily situational perceptions and borderline symptoms in young adulthood : the role of childhood parenting experiences
Personality is dynamic and it matters : the role of personality dynamics in applied contexts