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‘We reach out but we also expect something in return’ : social work engaging with Roma people in temporary container homes at the edge of the city
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The transformation of European welfare states and its implications for social work (research) : staying on the tanker or choosing a small sloop?
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Een kwalitatieve en responsieve analyse van het Postmobiel wonen-project in Gent
(2023) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
A qualitative and responsive analysis of the post-mobile living project in Ghent
(2023) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Including the most excluded? A qualitative study on the address registration for people experiencing homelessness in Belgium
Evaluatie onderzoek van de samenwerkingsverbanden Geïntegreerd Breed Onthaal (GBO)
(2023) -
De vele invullingen van politisering in het sociaal werk
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Researching the non-take up of social rights : a social work perspective
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Dak- en thuisloosheid bij jongvolwassenen : cijfers en geleefde ervaringen van jongeren
(2022) -
Publiek gaan! Politiserend handelen in sociaal werk
Katrien Boone, Timmy Boutsen, Joris De Corte (UGent) , Fred Dhont, Koen Hermans, Elke Plovie, Peter Raeymaeckers, Steven Rommel, Bart Van Bouchaute and Nele Vanderhulst(2022)