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An improved unified viscoplastic model for modelling low cycle fatigue and creep fatigue interaction loadings of 9-12%Cr steel
Simulation of cyclic deformation behavior of Ferritic P92 steel based on unified viscoplastic model
- Journal Article
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A new empirical life prediction model for 9–12%Cr steels under low cycle fatigue and creep fatigue interaction loadings
Quantitative description between pre-fatigue damage and residual tensile properties of P92 steel
A multi-phase model for transformation plasticity using thermodynamics-based metallurgical algorithm
Thermal, metallurgical and mechanical analysis of circumferentially multi-pass welded P92 steel pipes
Low cycle fatigue and creep fatigue interaction behavior of 9Cr-0.5Mo-1.8W-V-Nb heat-resistant steel at high temperature
Influence of prior low cycle fatigue on microstructure evolution and subsequent creep behavior