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Care and support for elder people with intellectual disabilities beyond the pursuit of ageing 'in place' : towards constructing a space to (be)long
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Islands in the stream : a qualitative study on the accessibility of mental health care for persons with substance use disorders in Belgium
De toegankelijkheid van geestelijke gezondheidszorg voor personen met een middelengebonden stoornis : de visie van hulpverleners en cliënten in een Vlaams-landelijke regio
Assessing care needs of vulnerable people with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders
- Book
- open access
Participatie en kwaliteit van leven bij personen met een handicap of beperking : pilootstudie : stad Gent
(2017) -
Multidimensional change in therapeutic communities for addictions : the interplay between client characteristics, perceptions of the TC treatment process and time in treatment
Herstelondersteunend werken binnen de ambulante verslavingszorg
Core characteristics, treatment process and retention in therapeutic communities for addictions : a summary of four studies
21st century education, care and support for children and adults with a disability in Flanders (Belgium)
The impact of treatment processes on retention in therapeutic communities for substance abusers
(2013) 44.