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Fire protection costs in composite buildings for cost-benefit analysis of fire designs
Multi-objective optimization of structural fire design
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Cost-optimization based target reliabilities for design of structures exposed to fire
- Conference Paper
- open access
A user interface to compare the lifetime costs of prescriptive and performance-based fire designs of composite buildings
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
State of the art methodologies for the estimation of fire costs in buildings to support cost–benefit analysis
- Conference Paper
- open access
Application of cost-benefit analysis methodology for fire safety measures in structural fire engineering
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Multi-objective evaluation of target reliabilities for structural fire design
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
A methodology for evaluating costs and benefits of fire protection in buildings : conclusions of a review study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Cost-benefit analysis in fire safety engineering : state-of-the-art and reference methodology