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Prevalence of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in adult prisoners : an updated meta-analysis
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- open access
Results from an umbrella review of the evidence underpinning RNR principles : inconsistent and poor quality
The importance of excluding selected samples when estimating prevalence of mental disorders in the general prison population : a response to Baggio and Efthimiou (2024)
- Journal Article
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- open access
Mental and physical health morbidity among people in prisons : an umbrella review
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Individual-level risk factors for suicide mortality in the general population : an umbrella review
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An umbrella review of adverse effects associated with antipsychotic medications : the need for complementary study designs
Prevalence and risk factors for suicide attempts in prison
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- open access
Risk factors for suicide in adults : systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological autopsy studies
Zelfbeschadigend gedrag bij gedetineerden : meta-analyse van risicofactoren
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Risk factors for self-harm in prison : a systematic review and meta-analysis