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- Journal Article
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- open access
Detection of antibiotic residues in groundwater with a validated multiresidue UHPLC-MS/MS quantification method
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Mobiliteit en afbraak van nitraat in cenozoïsche watervoerende lagen in Vlaanderen en hun toepassing voor de bepaling van kwetsbaarheid van ondiepe watervoerende systemen.
(2008) -
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Spatial distribution of nitrate in Cenozoic sedimentary aquifers controlled by a variable reactivity system
Nitrate pollution in Flanders (Belgium)
Supporting the Flemish groundwater policy with respect to nitrate pollution
Suppporting the Flemish groundwater policy with respect to nitrate pollution
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Mobility and removal of nitrate in heterogeneous Eocene aquifers
Mobility and removal of nitrate in heterogenous Eocene aquifers