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- Journal Article
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Consumer responses to brands placed in YouTube movies: the effect of prominence and endorser expertise
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Do you like what you recognize? The effects of brand placement prominence and movie plot connection on brand attitude as mediated by recognition
Advertising for extensions: Moderating effects of extension type, advertising strategy, and product category involvement on extension evaluation
Advertising for extensions: the moderating role of extension type, product type, and type of advertising appeal on extension evaluation
Attitudes and self-reported behavior of patients, doctors, and pharmacists in New Zealand and Belgium toward direct-to-consumer advertising of medication.
Advertising and Branding Strategies for New Product Introductions
Ad and brand responses to incongruent mild disgust appeals
Effects of nudity in advertising on consumers’ body esteem
The differential effects of scarcely dressed male and female models in advertising
Direct-to-consumer advertising of medication: the views of patients, doctors and pharmacists in New Zealand and Belgium