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Diel vertical migration and tidal influences on plankton densities in dynamic coastal systems
- Journal Article
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- open access
Temperature-induced copepod depletion and the associated wax of Bellerochea in Belgian coastal waters : implications and shifts in plankton dynamics
- Journal Article
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Pronounced seasonal and spatial variability in determinants of phytoplankton biomass dynamics along a near-offshore gradient in the southern North Sea
- Journal Article
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A Video Plankton Recorder user guide : lessons learned from in situ plankton imaging in shallow and turbid coastal waters in the Belgian part of the North Sea
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From bacteria to zooplankton : an integrative approach revealing regional spatial patterns during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Southern bight of the North Sea
Copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the Belgian part of the North Sea : trends, dynamics and anomalies
Performance test of a tripod frame for the deployment of acoustic receivers
(2020) -
- Journal Article
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Mooring scientific instruments on the seabed-Design, deployment protocol and performance of a recoverable frame for acoustic receivers
- Journal Article
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- open access
LifeWatch observatory data : phytoplankton observations in the Belgian Part of the North Sea
- Journal Article
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- open access
LifeWatch observatory data : zooplankton observations in the Belgian part of the North Sea