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Care and support for elder people with intellectual disabilities beyond the pursuit of ageing 'in place' : towards constructing a space to (be)long
Inclusie en participatie van ouderen in het lokaal beleid : enkele inzichten uit de Belgian Ageing Studies
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- open access
Frailty as a determinant of dental attendance among community‐dwelling older adults
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
‘Outreach’ or ‘real-life context work’? Four profiles of working in the real-life context of people
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
‘Outreach’ or ‘real-life context work’? Four profiles of working in the real-life context of people
Evaluatie van de wijze waarop lokale besturen een lokaal inclusief ouderenbeleid realiseren waarbij de participatie van (kwetsbare) ouderen aan de samenleving wordt gewaarborgd
(2023) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Transitions in robust and prefrail octogenarians after 1 year : the influence of activities of daily living, social participation, and psychological resilience on the frailty state
The influence of hypertension management on frailty prevention among older persons aged 65 and over : a systematic review
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Is frailty a determinant for self-perceived oral health among community-dwelling older adults?
Dutch version of the TANGO nocturia screening tool : cross-culturally translation and reliability study in community-dwelling people and nursing home residents