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The influence of general beliefs on the formation of justice expectations: the moderating role of direct experiences
- Journal Article
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- open access
De zelf- versus ander-gerefereerde angstvragenlijst: validatie van een Franstalige versie en verschillen in faalangst tussen Vlaamse en Waalse sollicitanten in Belgiƫ
Arts in het ziekenhuis: een HR-perspectief
Karel De Witte, Kristof Eeckloo (UGent) and Arthur Vleugels(2011) -
The relation between selection expectations, perceptions and organizational attraction: a test of competing models
Ingratiation and self-promotion in the selection interview: the effects of using single tactics or a combination of tactics on interviewer judgments
Symbolic Attributes and Organizational Attractiveness: The moderating effects of applicant personality
Validation of a questionnaire on applicants' expectations about selection procedures
Testing the social process model on selection through expert analysis