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Gene transcription reflects poor health status of resident European eel chronically exposed to environmental pollutants
Contaminatie van eieren afkomstig van kippen gehouden bij particulieren
(2008) -
Contaminants in organically and conventionally produced winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Belgium
Classification of the vegetation in the Virunga National Park (DR Congo) by integrating past mission reports into Landsat-TM and Terra Aster sensors
Development and application of analytical methods adapted to the determination of mycotoxins and environmental pollutants in some organic and home-produced foodstuffs
Bestrijding van specifieke probleemonkruiden in aardappelen
Evolution of soil acidity during the past 36 years (1960-1996) under coniferous forest in a region of high livestock production in Flanders
Focus op onkruidbestrijding