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A cross-sectional case–control study on the structural connectome in recovered hospitalized COVID-19 patients
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Approaching or decentering? Differential neural networks underlying experiential emotion regulation and cognitive defusion
Opposite effects of one session of 1 Hz rTMS on functional connectivity between pre-supplementary motor area and putamen depending on the dyskinesia state in Parkinson's disease
The influence of one session of low frequency rTMS on pre-supplementary motor area metabolites in late stage Parkinson's disease
Accelerated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation does not influence grey matter volumes in regions related to alcohol relapse : an open-label exploratory study
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The heterogeneity in retrieved relations between the personality trait 'Harm Avoidance' and gray matter volumes due to variations in the VBM and ROI labeling processing settings
Accelerated HF-rTMS protocol has a rate-dependent effect on dACC activation in alcohol-dependent patients: an open-label feasibility study
Sclerosing bone dysplasias : genetic, clinical and radiology update of hereditary and non-hereditary disorders
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- open access
The impact of accelerated right prefrontal high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on cue-reactivity : an fMRI study on craving in recently detoxified alcohol-dependent patients
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- open access
Does the amygdala response correlate with the personality trait 'harm avoidance' while evaluating emotional stimuli explicitly?