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Research methods in the age of digital journalism
The NETCOVER algorithm for the reconstruction of causal networks
Learning to translate: a statistical and computational analysis
An empirical comparison of label prediction algorithms on automatically inferred networks
Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases: ECML-PKDD Proceedings, Part I
Peter Flach, Tijl De Bie (UGent) and Nello Cristianini(2012) 7523. -
Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases: ECML-PKDD Proceedings, Part II
Peter Flach, Tijl De Bie (UGent) and Nello Cristianini(2012) 7524. -
Reconstruction of causal networks by set covering
Celebrity watch: browsing news content by exploiting social intelligence
(2011) Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6913. p.613-616 -
Refining causality: who copied from whom?
NOAM: News Outlets Analysis and Monitoring System