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- Journal Article
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- open access
Effect of ethanol and butanol on autotrophic growth of model homoacetogens
Tracking bio-hydrogen-mediated production of commodity chemicals from carbon dioxide and renewable electricity
The ManureEcoMine pilot installation : advanced integration of technologies for the management of organics and nutrients in livestock waste
Microbial electrosynthesis of butyrate from carbon dioxide: Production and extraction
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Low fermentation pH is a trigger to alcohol production, but a killer to chain elongation
Modelling the simultaneous production and separation of acetic acid from CO2 using an anion exchange membrane microbial electrosynthesis system
Incubation at 25°C prevents acid crash and enhances alcohol production in Clostridium carboxidivorans P7
How can alcohol production be improved in carboxydotrophic clostridia?
Conversion of sewage sludge to commodity chemicals via syngas fermentation
Granularity determination of activated sludge through on-line profiles by means of case-based reasoning