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A randomized controlled study comparing guided bone regeneration with connective tissue graft to reestablish buccal convexity at implant sites : a 1-year volumetric analysis
A randomized controlled study comparing guided bone regeneration with connective tissue graft to re-establish buccal convexity : one-year aesthetic and patient-reported outcomes
A randomized controlled trial on the efficiency of free-handed, pilot-drill guided and fully guided implant surgery in partially edentulous patients
A randomized controlled study on the accuracy of free-handed, pilot-drill guided and fully guided implant surgery in partially edentulous patients
A 5-year prospective study on regenerative periodontal therapy of infrabony defects using minimally invasive surgery and a collagen-enriched bovine-derived xenograft
A randomized controlled study comparing guided bone regeneration with connective tissue graft to re-establish convexity at the buccal aspect of single implants : a one-year CBCT analysis
Predictors of alveolar process remodeling following ridge preservation in high-risk patients
A 5-year prospective study on single immediate implants in the aesthetic zone.
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Soft tissue preservation and pink aesthetics around single immediate implant restorations: a 1-year prospective study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Disparity in embrasure fill and papilla height between tooth- and implant-borne fixed restorations in the anterior maxilla: a cross-sectional study