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Multilayer sparsity-based tensor decomposition for low-rank tensor completion
Spatial-spectral structured sparse low-rank representation for hyperspectral image super-resolution
Enhanced sparsity prior model for low-rank tensor completion
Hyper-Laplacian regularized nonlocal low-rank matrix recovery for hyperspectral image compressive sensing reconstruction
Nonconvex tensor rank minimization and its applications to tensor recovery
Nonlocal low-rank regularized tensor decomposition for hyperspectral image denoising
Multiple endmember unmixing of CHRIS/Proba imagery for mapping impervious surfaces in urban and suburban environments
Preliminary results of superresolution-enhanced angular hyperspectral (CHRIS/Proba) images for land-cover classification
An assessment of geometric activity features for per-pixel classification of urban man-made objects using very high resolution satellite imagery
Potential problems with using reconstruction in morphological profiles for classification of remote sensing images from urban areas