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Middle-Late Pleistocene landscape evolution of the Dover Strait inferred from buried and submerged erosional landforms
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The gravity database for Belgium
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Two-stage opening of the Dover Strait and the origin of island Britain
Episodic activity of a dormant fault in tectonically stable Europe : the Rauw fault (NE Belgium)
Stress and mass changes at a 'wet' volcano : example during the 2011-2012 volcanic unrest at Kawah Ijen volcano (Indonesia)
Kawah Ijen volcanic activity : a review
Velocity models and site effects at Kawah Ijen volcano and Ijen caldera (Indonesia) determined from ambient noise cross-correlations and directional energy density spectral ratios
Fluid dynamics inside a 'wet' volcano inferred from the complex frequencies of long-period (LP) events : an example from Papandayan volcano, West Java, Indonesia, during the 2011 seismic unrest
Estimating crustal thickness in Belgium and surrounding regions from Moho-reflected waves