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R&D employment effects of financial slack generated by R&D tax exemption : the importance of firm‐level contingencies
Liquidity events and VC-backed academic spin-offs : the role of search alliances
The role of prior domestic experience and prior shared experience in young firm internationalization
Interorganizational trust and technology complexity : evidence for new technology-based firms
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Entry mode research and SMEs : a review and future research agenda
Balancing competing logics in for-profit social enterprises : a need for hybrid governance
Creating value in ecosystems: crossing the chasm between knowledge and business ecosystems
Formal technology transfer in context : the case of publicly funded universities
Improving the success of radical innovation projects within established firms: engaging employees across different hierarchal levels
De rol van ervaring in de internationalisatie van jonge, technologische Vlaamse bedrijven