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Accelerating ocean species discovery and laying the foundations for the future of marine biodiversity research and monitoring
Comparability between box-corer and epibenthic-sledge data on higher taxon level : a case study based on deep-sea samples from the NW Pacific
Changes in species composition of Haploniscidae (Crustacea: Isopoda) across potential barriers to dispersal in the Northwest Pacific
Depth zonation of Northwest Pacific deep-sea macrofauna
Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) across a longitudinal transect of the Vema Fracture Zone and along a depth gradient in the Puerto Rico trench
The effects of depth, distance, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge on genetic differentiation of abyssal and hadal isopods (Macrostylidae)
Biodiversity and distribution of polynoid and spionid polychaetes (Annelida) in the Vema Fracture Zone, tropical North Atlantic
Meiofauna abundance and community patterns along a transatlantic transect in the Vema Fracture Zone and in the hadal zone of the Puerto Rico trench
Are boundary conditions in surface productivity at the Southern Polar Front reflected in benthic activity?
Patterns, processes and vulnerability of Southern Ocean benthos: a decadal leap in knowledge and understanding