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Earlier onset and slower heartwood investment in faster-growing trees of African tropical species
- Journal Article
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Diel and annual rhythms of tropical stem size changes in the Mayombe forest, Congo Basin
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Growth periodicity in semi‐deciduous tropical tree species from the Congo Basin
Natural forest regeneration through fire protection is a less imminent threat for truly stable savannas than afforestation
- Journal Article
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Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities
- Journal Article
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SmartWoodID : an image collection of large end-grain surfaces to support wood identification systems
- Journal Article
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- open access
Ground-based climate data show evidence of warming and intensification of the seasonal rainfall cycle during the 1960–2020 period in Yangambi, central Congo Basin
Analysis of climate change in the forests of the Congo Basin : from local to regional scales
- Journal Article
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- open access
Height-diameter allometric equations of an emergent tree species from the Congo Basin
Variation in onset of leaf unfolding and wood formation in a Central African tropical tree species