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- Journal Article
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An external validation of a novel predictive algorithm for male nipple areolar positioning : an improvement to current practice through a multicenter endeavor
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Surgical outcomes after treatment of urethral complications following metoidioplasty in transgender men
Neovaginal discharge in transgender women after vaginoplasty : a diagnostic and treatment algorithm
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Ethical dilemmas in gender surgery
Preexpansion in phalloplasty patients is it effective?
A retrospective cohort study on surgical outcomes of penile prosthesis implantation surgery in transgender men after phalloplasty
Surgical outcomes of neoscrotal augmentation with testicular prostheses in transgender men
The surgical techniques and outcomes of secondary phalloplasty after metoidioplasty in transgender men : an international, multi-center case series
Geslachtsaanpassende chirurgie van transvrouwen
Geslachtsaanpassende chirurgie bij transmannen