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Lived experiences : a focus group pilot study within the MentALLY project of mental healthcare among European users
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- open access
A critical perspective on mental health news in six European countries : how are 'mental health/illness' and 'mental health literacy' rhetorically constructed?
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Healthcare professionals' perspectives on mental health service provision : a pilot focus group study in six European countries
Psychotherapy, antidepressants, and their combination for chronic major depressive disorder : a systematic review
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The Ghent Psychotherapy Study (GPS) on the differential efficacy of supportive-expressive and cognitive behavioral interventions in dependent and self-critical depressive patients : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Emotion regulation mediates the effect of childhood trauma on depression
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Imagery rescripting : the impact of conceptual and perceptual changes on aversive autobiographical memories
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The potential of low-intensity and online interventions for depression in low- and middle-income countries
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Implicit and explicit self-esteem in current, remitted, recovered, and comorbid depression and anxiety disorders : the NESDA study
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Guided Act and Feel Indonesia (GAF-ID) – Internet-based behavioral activation intervention for depression in Indonesia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial