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Understanding the mechanisms of groundwater recharge and flow in periglacial environments : new insights from the Ledo-Paniselian aquifer in Belgium
A palaeoclimatic record from the Ledo-Paniselian Aquifer in Belgium : indications for groundwater recharge and flow in a periglacial environment
Paleoclimate information from degassed groundwaters
A new groundwater radiocarbon correction approach accounting for palaeoclimate conditions during recharge and hydrochemical evolution: the Ledo-Paniselian Aquifer, Belgium
Natural background levels and threshold values for groundwater in fluvial Pleistocene and Tertiary marine aquifers in Flanders, Belgium
A noble gas palaeotemperature record from the Ledo-Paniselian aquifer in Belgium.
Isotopic methods and their hydrogeochemical context in the investigation of palaeowaters