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Multilingual language minority parents’ perspectives on their relationships with caregivers regarding the multilingual upbringing of the child : a large-scale exploration within childcare facilities in Flanders
An empirical investigation of Spolsky’s framework applied to family language policy
- Book Chapter
- open access
Exploring the partnership between language minority parents and professionals in early childhood education and care: a systematic review.
Does pre-schooling contribute to equity in education? Participation in universal pre-school and fourth-grade academic achievement
Linguistic interdependence of receptive vocabulary skills in emergent bilingual preschool children : exploring a factor-dependent approach
Silencing linguistic diversity : the extent, the determinants and consequences of the monolingual beliefs of Flemish teachers
De meerwaarde van de thuistalen van leerlingen in praktijk omgezet : het Validiv-project in het kort
European identity as a unifying category in an ethnically diverse Europe: national vs. European identification among native and immigrant pupils
Teachers' understanding of multicultural education and the correlates of multicultural content integration in Belgium
Supporting science learning in linguistically diverse classrooms: factors related to the use of bilingual content in a computer-based learning environment