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A systematic literature review of definitions and classification systems for radiotherapy innovation : a first step towards building a value-based assessment tool for radiation oncology
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Systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between radiation therapy treatment volume and patient outcomes
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ARCHERY : a prospective observational study of artificial intelligence-based radiotherapy treatment planning for cervical, head and neck and prostate cancer : study protocol
European Groundshot-addressing Europe's cancer research challenges : a Lancet Oncology Commission
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Innovation, value and reimbursement in radiation and complex surgical oncology : time to rethink
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Innovation, value and reimbursement in radiation and complex surgical oncology : time to rethink
Is clinical research serving the needs of the global cancer burden? An analysis of contemporary global radiation therapy randomized controlled trials
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Value-based radiotherapy : a new chapter of the ESTRO-HERO project
Value-based health care : what does it mean for radiotherapy?
ESMO-MCBS : setting the record straight : authors' reply