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- Journal Article
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Ranking-space : magnitude makes sense through spatially scaffolded ranking
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The impact of free will beliefs on implicit learning
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Tenacious instructions : how to dismantle newly instructed task rules?
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Statistics anxiety in Flanders : exploring its level, antecedents, and performance impact across professional and academic bachelor programs in psychology
The impact of implicit and explicit suggestions that ‘there is nothing to learn’ on implicit sequence learning
It is harder than you think : on the boundary conditions of exploiting congruency cues
Spatial attention in serial order working memory : an EEG study
About the interplay between internal and external spatial codes in the mind : implications for serial order
Do preliterate children spontaneously employ spatial coding for serial order in working memory?
Does incidental sequence learning allow us to better manage upcoming conflicting events?