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Source extraction by maximizing the variance in the conditional distribution tails
Atrial activity estimation from atrial fibrillation ECGs by blind source extraction based on a conditional maximum likelihood approach
Effect of the static magnetic field of the MR-scanner on ERPs: Evaluation of visual, cognitive and motor potentials
Validation of the two-level approach for the solution of the EEG inverse problem in an anisotropic realistic head model
Automatic detection of spike and wave discharges in the EEG of genetic absence epilepsy rats from Strasbourg
Monte-Carlo system modeling for PET reconstruction : a rotator approach
Slat collimated multipinhole human brain SPECT
Comparison of 3D SPECT imaging with a rotating slat collimator and a parallel hole collimator
Removing muscle and eye artifacts using blind source seperation techniques in ictal EEG source imaging
Optimization of time-of-flight reconstruction on Philips GEMINI TF