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Belgium : media ownership and journalism cultures at the crossroads of three language communities in a complex political landscape
Mapping violence and targeted journalistic identities in Belgium
De Belgische Journalist in 2023 (deel 1) : cijfers leggen grote inkomensverschillen bloot
De Belgische Journalist in 2023 (deel 2) : agressie tegen journalisten niet louter probleem buiten de redactie
Portret van Belgische Journalisten in 2023
(2023) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Ethics as the backbone of the professional identity of Belgian journalism interns
Precarity in the journalistic workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic : a representative survey of Belgian journalists
Country report Belgium
From one division of labor to the other : the relation between beat reporting, freelancing, and journalistic autonomy
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Perceived autonomy in Belgian newsrooms : a systematic overview of different media, beats and role perceptions based on a representative survey