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Instrumental councillors? On the strategic interests that drive local councillors’ legitimacy perceptions of citizen participation
Varieties of local participation? A vignette survey on local executive politicians’ legitimacy perceptions towards different participatory arrangements
Analysing policy actors’ preferences for different modes of governing in local government
Closing a gap or creating a new one? Comparing support for participatory instruments among different stakeholders
The relationship between local councillors’ representative style and their support for participatory democracy
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Towards a multifaceted measure of perceived legitimacy of participatory governance
Het lokaal bestuur in Vlaanderen
Democratische vernieuwing en burgerparticipatie : over andere manieren om te beslissen.
Lokale verkiezingen hervormd : versterking of verzwakking als instrument van inspraak?
Local civil servants and democratic innovations : do role conceptions matter for the assessment of participatory decision-making instruments?