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Treatment response following adaptive PASAT training for depression vulnerability : a systematic review and meta-analysis
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Vagally‐mediated HRV as a marker of trait rumination in healthy individuals? A large cross‐sectional analysis
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Unraveling how the adolescent brain deals with criticism using dynamic causal modeling
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Stress priming transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) enhances updating of emotional content in working memory
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Trait-dependent effects of theta burst stimulation after psychosocial stress : a sham-controlled study in healthy individuals
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Prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation over the right prefrontal cortex reduces proactive and reactive control performance towards emotional material in healthy individuals
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Health economic evaluation of cognitive control training for depression : key considerations
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The Ghent psychotherapy study : a pragmatic, stratified, randomized parallel trial into the differential efficacy of psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral interventions in dependent and self-critical depressive patients
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Combining transcranial direct current stimulation with group cognitive behavioral therapy developed to treat rumination : a clinical pilot study
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Effects of acute psychosocial stress on source level EEG power and functional connectivity measures