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The development of the Broaching Assessment Scale : a client-rated measure of therapists’ broaching behaviour in clinical counselling
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Daily nonsuicidal self-injury thoughts in emerging adulthood : the relevance of pre-adolescent borderline traits
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Persisterende veranderingen in de functionele hersennetwerken onderliggend aan foneemperceptie en semantische verwerking in het herstel van afasie op kinder- versus volwassen leeftijd
A longitudinal network of borderline-related trait vulnerabilities from childhood to adolescence
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Persistent language network functional connectivity alterations in the individuals recovering from a brain injury acquired during childhood versus acquired during adulthood
Persistent functional connectivity alterations in the language networks of adults recovering from a brain injury acquired during childhood versus adulthood
Good-enough care? How patients’ perceptions of counselors’ professional skills relate to everyday life in forensic long-stay units
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Toward a better understanding of gender differences in psychopathology in detained adolescents : the role of maladaptive personality traits
Is childhood lying shaped by callous-unemotional traits or does lie-telling make children more callous-unemotional? A longitudinal between- and within-person perspective
Long-term functional connectivity alterations in the mismatch negativity, P300 and N400 language potentials in adults with a childhood acquired brain injury