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Long-run perspectives on r-g in OECD countries : an empirical analysis
Demographic change, secular stagnation, and inequality: automation as a blessing?
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Pensioenhervorming : hoe financiƫle houdbaarheid, macro-economische efficiƫntie en billijkheid verzoenen?
- Journal Article
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- open access
Coping with demographic change : macroeconomic performance and welfare inequality effects of public pension reform
Macroeconomic and distributional effects of demographic change in an open economy : the case of Belgium
On the impact of public policies and wage formation on business investment in research and development
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- open access
Economisch beleid in tijden van corona : een kwestie van de juiste uitgaven te doen
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Cross-country differences in unemployment : fiscal policy, unions, and household preferences in general equilibrium
Getting low educated and older people into work : the role of fiscal policy
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- open access
Vraagstukken van nu : waarom plooit de realiteit zich niet naar de Phillips-curve? Een defect metertje op het economisch dashboard
(2019) De Standaard.