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Does governing board involvement impact strategy implementation effectiveness? The role of information sharing in the politics-administration interface
- Journal Article
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- open access
Unlocking politicians’ potential : what fosters purposeful use of performance information in support of voice?
- Journal Article
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Be prepared! Local politicians’ proclivity for local government adaptive capacity building in response to COVID-19 : the role of risk perceptions
- Journal Article
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- open access
All aboard? How Line-of-Sight impacts the strategic commitment of nonprofit employees
All in favor? Determinants of nonprofit professionals’ support for post-merger organizational change
Similar or different? An analysis of the organisational values expressed by public and private Turkish universities
It takes two to tango : the role of collective strategic information processing in the politics-administration relationship
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
How do US universities want to be perceived? Factors affecting the (inter)national identity claims in mission statements
The critical role of mission valence : the impact of public service motivation and psychological empowerment on organizational identification
Does the use of imagery language improve the effectiveness of mission communication? An experimental study in the context of job advertisements