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- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Differences in ultrasound-derived arterial wall stiffness parameters and noninvasive blood pressure between Friesian horses and Warmblood horses
Three dimensional ultra‐high‐density electro‐anatomical cardiac mapping in horses : methodology
Aortic, common carotid and external iliac artery arterial wall stiffness parameters in horses : inter-day and inter-observer and intra-observer measurement variability
Atrial premature depolarisations five days post electrical cardioversion are related to atrial fibrillation recurrence risk in horses
The effect of endurance training on left and right cardiac size and function in horses
Yellow fat disease (steatitis) in 20 equids : description of clinical and ultrasonographic findings
Percutaneous transcatheter closure of an aorto-cardiac fistula in a six-year-old Warmblood mare with atrial fibrillation
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Atrial and ventricular electrical and contractile remodelling and reverse remodelling due to chronic pacing-induced atrial fibrillation in horses : preliminary results
Accuracy of electrocardiographic and vectorcardiographic criteria to identify the anatomical location of ventricular ectopy in horses : preliminary data
Correlation between atrial premature depolarisations after electrical cardioversion and risk for atrial fibrillation recurrence in horses