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In situ and laboratory analysis on the polychromy of the Ghent Pantheon cork model by Antonio Chichi
Pigmente und Tinten in mittelalterlichen Handschriften : eine andere Art zu lesen: extreme Mikroanalysen
Characterization of pigments in Mercatellis manuscripts by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence and Raman-microscopy
Analysis with micro-Raman spectroscopy of natural organic binding media and varnishes used in art
Identification and classification of natural organic binding media and varnishes by micro-Raman spectroscopy
Middeleeuwse handschriften onderzocht : de bijdrage van spectroscopisch pigmentonderzoek
Remarques méthodologiques à propos de l'analyse chimique des pigments utilisés dans les manuscrits enluminés
Investigation of pigments in medieval manuscripts by micro Raman spectroscopy and total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry