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The experience of 15 years of measuring workload of university students and teachers: from paper to web and back
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Under pressure : effects of standardization of compression therapy in venous leg ulcers in nursing
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Under pressure : effects of standardization of compression therapy in venous leg ulcers in nursing
Impact on knowledge acquisition of the transition from a conventional to an integrated contextual medical curriculum
Diepte-analyse van het effect van medische onderwijsvernieuwing op leerpatronen en kennisontwikkeling
The potential of the Inventory of Learning Styles to study student's learning patterns in three thypes of medical curricula
Differences in learning approaches in a conventional, an integrated contextual and a PBL curriculum
Impact of the transition from a conventional to an integrated contextual medical curriculum on students' learning approaches
Knowledge development in an old, discipline based and a new integrated curriculum, compared by means of the Maastricht Progress Test
Development and validation of a prospective, random sample method for measuring study-time and learning context in medical education