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- 2012
- Mental quality of life in chronic fatigue is associated with an accommodative coping style and neuroticism: a path analysis (2012) QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH. 21(8). p.1337-1345
- Incentive effect on inhibitory control in adolescents with early-life stress: an antisaccade study (2012) CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT. 36(3). p.217-225
- The traumatic impact of motor vehicle accidents in high school students (2012) JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC PSYCHOLOGY. 37(1). p.1-10
- 'It's a hair-dryer… No, it's a drill': misidentification-related false recognitions in younger and older adults (2012) ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS. 54(2). p.310-316
- Anxiety, a benefit and detriment to cognition: behavioral and magnetoencephalographic evidence from a mixed-saccade task (2012) BRAIN AND COGNITION. 78(3). p.257-267
- The influence of emotional stimuli on attention orienting and inhibitory control in pediatric anxiety (2012) JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY. 53(8). p.856-863
- Gaze aversion during social interaction in preterm infants: a function of attention skills? (2012) INFANT BEHAVIOR & DEVELOPMENT. 35(1). p.129-139
- The overall quality of my life as a sibling is all right, but of course, it could always be better': quality of life of siblings of children with intellectual disability: the siblings' perspectives (2012) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH. 56(1). p.87-101
- Limited transfer of threat bias following attentional retraining (2012) JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR THERAPY AND EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHIATRY. 43(2). p.794-800
- SOS : a screening instrument to identify children with handwriting impairments (2012) PHYSICAL & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN PEDIATRICS. 32(3). p.306-319