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Comparison of reusable and single-use specula in Belgian hospitals : an environmental life cycle assessment and economic analysis
PPARα-ERRα crosstalk mitigates metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease progression
A structured simulation‐based mastery learning curriculum in chest tube insertion results in superior skills compared to traditional training programs
Measuring residents' competence in chest tube insertion on Thiel-embalmed bodies : a validity study
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Glycomics as prognostic biomarkers of hepatocellular carcinoma : a systematic review
- Journal Article
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Mixed methods process evaluation of an advance care planning intervention among nursing home staff
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The pan-PPAR agonist lanifibranor reduces portal pressure independent of fibrosis reduction through the splanchnic vasculature
Epi overload : when too much juice sours the brain
Trauma tango : airway, breathing, circulation vs circulation, airway, breathing : dancing through life’s emergency scenarios
Passive ventilation generated by mechanical chest compressions (LUCAS 3) during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
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Care of the critically ill begins in the emergency medicine setting
Passive ventilation generated by mechanical chest compressions (Stryker LUCAS 3) during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Ventilation bags unleashed : where size takes a backseat, and feedback takes the wheel!
Exploring the potential of near-infrared spectroscopy for spinal cord perfusion monitoring
(2024) -
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Is the occurrence of reversed airflow in manual ventilation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation associated with reduced net tidal volumes?
Limitations of the use of dynamic filling parameters in mechanically ventilated patients and possible solutions
(2024) -
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Detecting intrathoracic airway closure during prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation using quasi-static pressure–volume curves : a pilot study
Explorative study on lower inflection point dynamics during cardiopulmonary resuscitation : potential implications for airway management
- Journal Article
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Measurement error of pulse pressure variation
- Journal Article
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Trends in female authorship in Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica from 2005 to 2021
Hartritmevariabiliteit binnen de cardiologie
In Memoriam: Prof. dr. Jan Poelaert
- Journal Article
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Pediatric life support guidelines 2021, novelties and adaptations in Spain
Recommendations for blood sampling in emergency departments from the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM), European Society for Emergency Nursing (EuSEN), and European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group for the Preanalytical Phase : executive summary
- Journal Article
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Protamine dosing in cardiac surgery
(2024) PERFUSION-UK. -
Challenges in performing clinical trials in low incidence disease
Pharmacists' views on discontinuing long-term use of antidepressants and supporting patients during the discontinuation process: a qualitative study
On the reporting of protamine dosage in cardiac surgery
Dispatcher-assistance in lay rescuer infant CPR : promoting the enhancement of the guiding protocol
- Journal Article
- open access
Comprehension of Consumer Health Information: Classification of Linguistic Barriers. A Scoping Review
Migraine without aura
(2024) Migraine biology, diagnosis, and co-morbidities. In Handbook of clinical neurology 198. p.151-167 -
- Journal Article
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Perioperative hemodynamic monitoring techniques : a narrative review
- Journal Article
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Assessment tools used to measure postoperative behavioral changes in children, a narrative review
Implementation of guidelines in clinical practice : barriers and strategies
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Evaluating performance : a scoping review on video-based assessments of non-technical skills in the operating room
Novel peptide tools to inhibit the IP3 receptor/connexin-43 hemichannel calcium signaling axis
(2024) -
- Journal Article
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Anxiety and dysautonomia symptoms in patients with a NaV1.7 mutation and the potential benefits of low-dose short-acting guanfacine
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Inhibiting astrocyte connexin-43 hemichannels blocks radiation-induced vesicular VEGF-A release and blood-brain barrier dysfunction
- Conference Paper
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PDXGhent : patient derived tumor xenografting mouse Core Facility Ghent
PDXGhent : patient derived tumor xenografting mouse core facility Ghent
- Journal Article
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The association between urine N-glycome and prognosis after initial therapy for primary prostate cancer
- Journal Article
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Patients with chronic cluster headache may show reduced activity energy expenditure on ambulatory wrist actigraphy recordings during daytime attacks
Using continuous quality improvement in community-based programming during disasters : lessons learned from the 2015 ebola crisis in Sierra Leone
- Journal Article
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IP3RPEP6, a novel peptide inhibitor of IP3 receptor channels that does not affect connexin-43 hemichannels
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Retrospective analysis of multiparametric MRI in predicting complete pathologic response of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy in bladder cancer
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Exploring cardiac sympathetic denervation as a treatment approach for recurrent ventricular arrhythmias : a concise review
Prostate-specific membrane antigen as a potential theranostic target in a syngeneic immunocompetent murine model for oral squamous cell carcinoma
Ultra-processed food intake does not correlate with pediatric MASLD in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Weekly vs 3-weekly cisplatin: a retrospective cohort study
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Osteopontin characterizes bile duct-associated macrophages and correlates with liver fibrosis severity in primary sclerosing cholangitis
Enhancing hospital emergency response based on the experience of COVID-19
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Lumen‐apposing metal stents for anastomosis creation throughout the gastrointestinal tract : a large single‐center experience
Health care professional barriers and facilitators to discontinuing antidepressant use : a systematic review and thematic synthesis
- Journal Article
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Axillary brachial plexus block compared with other regional anesthesia techniques in distal upper limb surgery : a systematic review and meta-analysis
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Unlocking therapeutic potential : exploring cross-talk among emerging nuclear receptors to combat metabolic dysfunction in steatotic liver disease
Frameworks, Dimensions, Definitions of Aspects, and Assessment Methods for the Appraisal of Quality of Health Data for Secondary Use: Comprehensive Overview of Reviews
Assessing chest tube insertion skills using a porcine rib model : a validity study
Comparative assessment of renal function estimating equations as surrogates for amoxicillin clearance in geriatric inpatients
- Journal Article
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Detection and management of clinically relevant drug-drug interactions with direct oral anticoagulants : an intervention study in community pharmacies
- Journal Article
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Pre- to postoperative longitudinal follow-up of phoneme perception in glioma patients : evidence from the Mismatch Negativity and P300
- Journal Article
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Target-controlled infusion of remimazolam in healthy volunteers shows some acute tolerance
Have we neglected to study target-site drug exposure in children? A systematic review of the literature
- Journal Article
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Mitigating data quality challenges in ambulatory wrist-worn wearable monitoring through analytical and practical approaches
Systematic review : glycomics as diagnostic markers for hepatocellular carcinoma
- Journal Article
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Potential clinical applications of current and future oral forms of desmopressin (review)
- Journal Article
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An improved F98 glioblastoma rat model to evaluate novel treatment strategies incorporating the standard of care
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Integrating and optimizing tonabersat in standard glioblastoma therapy : a preclinical study
- Journal Article
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Staging of immuno-virological dynamics during acute HIV infection in a Belgian prospective cohort study
Building a Foundation for High-Quality Health Data: Multihospital Case Study in Belgium
- Journal Article
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External validation of the IAIHG autoimmune hepatitis response criteria in a multicentric real-world cohort
Adipose tissue insulin resistance correlates with disease severity in pediatric metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease : a prospective cohort study
The association of ultra‐processed food intake with adolescent metabolic dysfunction‐associated steatotic liver disease in the NHANES
Comparative assessment of renal function estimating equations as surrogates for amoxicillin clearance in geriatric inpatients
Comparison of renal function estimating equations as surrogates for amoxicillin clearance in hospitalized older patients
Predictors of augmented renal clearance based on iohexol plasma clearance in critically ill children
Choice of surgery in intestinal-type adenocarcinoma of the sinonasal tract : a long-term comparative study
Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic target attainment of beta-lactam antibiotics in geriatric inpatients using standard-of-care dosing regimens
Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic target attainment of commonly used ß-lactam antibiotics in hospitalized older patients using current dosing regimens
- Journal Article
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Baselining physiological parameters in three muscles across three equine breeds : what can we learn from the horse?
Studying antibiotic tissue distribution using microdialysis : from piglets to critically ill children
(2024) -
- Journal Article
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High rate of detected variants in male PLCZ1 and ACTL7A genes causing failed fertilization after ICSI
- Journal Article
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BeSARPP (Belgian Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation, Perioperative medicine and Pain management) recommendations on responsible and sustainable use of inhaled anesthetics : NO time TO WASTE
- Conference Paper
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The utility of whole-body CT in low severity score polytrauma patients
- Conference Paper
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Validation of previous measurement of airflow in out of hospital cardiac arrest : a pilote study
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Adjuvants for balanced anesthesia in ambulatory surgery
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Whole-body CT versus selective CT in polytrauma patients : a systematic review
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Pulse oximetry analysis as a non-invasive method of evaluating the quality of the peripheral circulation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Research methods in quality and safety in emergency medicine
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Stem cell therapy in neurological disorders: promises and concerns
- Conference Paper
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Effect of dobutamine and noradrenaline on hepatic blood flow : preliminary results
(2023) Euroanaesthesia 2023 : the European Anaesthesiology Congress, Abstracts programme. In European Journal of Anaesthesiology 40(Supplement 61). p.59-59 -
- Conference Paper
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Pharmacodynamic relationship of dobutamine and dynamic hemodynamic variables during pancreaticoduodenectomy : preliminary results
(2023) Euroanaesthesia 2023 : the European Anaesthesiology Congress, Abstracts programme. In European Journal of Anaesthesiology 40(Supplement 61). p.53-53 -
Body mass index and occupational accidents among health care workers in a large university hospital
- Conference Paper
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Managing airway by supra-or retroglottic devices during rotary wings MED/CASEVAC : a systematic review
- Journal Article
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Impact of spinal needle size and design on post-dural puncture headache : a narrative review of literature
Prospective audit on fasting status of elective ambulatory surgery patients, correlated to gastric ultrasound
- Journal Article
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Continuous noninvasive blood pressure measurement with 'ClearSight' compared to standard intermittent blood pressure measurement in patients with peripheral arterial disease : are potential differences influenced by phenylephrine or dobutamine?
- Journal Article
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Blood pressure control with phenylephrine or dobutamine : a randomized controlled trial comparing effects on cerebral and paravertebral tissue oxygen saturation measured with near-infrared spectroscopy
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Bag-mask ventilation by low- or untrained rescuers during adult and pediatric resuscitation : a randomized cross-over manikin study
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Effect of Somatostatin on hepatic blood flow : preliminary results
- Conference Paper
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Dynamic of training and acute exercised-induced shifts in muscular glucose transporter (GLUT) 4, 8 and 12 expression in locomotion versus posture muscles in healthy horses.
Standardized training in perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) : what are we waiting for?
Bag-mask ventilation by low- or untrained rescuers during adult and paediatric resuscitation : a randomized cross-over manikin study
Staffing models : a literature review of staffing models in an ambulatory surgery unit responding to varying flow, volume and acuity : identifying the need for further research
Comparison of chest compression techniques in infant CPR, both within and between a dispatcher-assisted untrained and a trained group
- Journal Article
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The association between emergency department length of stay and in-hospital mortality in older patients using machine learning : an observational cohort study
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Understanding the physiological role of NaV1.9 : challenges and opportunities for pain modulation
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Feasibility of a Bayesian based advisory tool for target-controlled infusion of propofol using qCON as control variable
(2023) Euroanaesthesia 2023 : the European Anaesthesiology Congress, Abstracts programme. In European Journal of Anaesthesiology 40(Supplement 61). p.7-7 -
- Issue Editor
- open access
Annual Congress Belgian Society of Emergency and Disaster Medicine (BESEDIM)
C. Depuydt, SABINE LEMOYNE (UGent) and Patrick Van de Voorde (UGent) -
- Journal Article
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Lactate and hyperlactatemia revisited : an overview
- Journal Article
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A novel methodology for low-range heparin detection : a single-centre prospective diagnostic study
Visión general y comparación de la presencia de médicos en los servicios de emergencias médicas prehospitalarios en Europa
- Journal Article
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Dynamics of training and acute exercise-induced shifts in muscular glucose transporter (GLUT) 4, 8, and 12 expression in locomotion versus posture muscles in healthy horses
- Journal Article
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Retrobulbar injection of amphotericin B in the management of acute invasive fungal sino-orbital infections
- Journal Article
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Systematic comparison of experimental and human obstructive cholestasis reveals conservation of canonical pathway activation and biomarkers relevant for cholestatic liver disease
Unraveling monocyte/macrophage heterogeneity in the disturbed gut-liver axis in primary sclerosing cholangitis and ulcerative colitis
(2023) -
- Journal Article
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Methodological considerations on real-world evidence studies of monoclonal antibodies against the CGRP-pathway for migraine : a systematic review
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The odorless, the colorless, the tasteless and the complacent
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Catheter-based serratus anterior plane block vs. continuous wound infiltration for postoperative pain control following minimally invasive atrioventricular valve surgery : a randomized, prospective trial
- Conference Paper
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Assessment of procedural skills in chest tube insertion on a porcine rib model
- Conference Paper
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Assessment of procedural skills in chest tube insertion on a porcine rib model
Arrhythmogenic consequences of connexin 43 hemichannel opening in the heart : an experimental and computational study
(2023) -
- Journal Article
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A new look at osteoarthritis: threshold potentials and an analogy to hypocalcemia
Transient Kupffer cell depletion and subsequent replacement by infiltrating monocyte-derived cells does not alter the induction or progression of hepatocellular carcinoma
Postanaesthesia care and discharge practice : a survey of European hospitals
Aiming for optimal antibiotic treatment : clinical clues on exposure in hospitalized children
(2023) -
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Connexin hemichannels as candidate targets for cardioprotective and anti-arrhythmic treatments
Phase I, non-randomised, open-label, multi-centre dose escalation trial of BI 764532 (DLL3/CD3 IgG-like T cell engager [TcE]) plus ezabenlimab (anti-PD-1 antibody) in patients (pts) with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and other neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) expressing DLL3
- Journal Article
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Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers in the frontline
- Journal Article
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Cx43 hemichannel and Panx1 channel modulation by Gap19 and 10Panx1 peptides
- Journal Article
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Kupffer cells contested as early drivers in the pathogenesis of primary sclerosing cholangitis
AMI in (bi)ventricular pacing : do not discard the ECG
Germs, guns, and fear in disaster response : a rapid qualitative assessment to understand fear-based responses in the population at large : lessons from Sierra Leone 2014-2015
- Conference Paper
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Effect of aleurone on glucose & insuline dynamics and gut microbiome of trained horses
GeNeo : agnostic comprehensive genomic profiling versus limited panel organ-directed next-generation sequencing within the Belgian PRECISION initiative
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Structure-function relationship of new peptides activating human Nav1.1
Single ascending doses of REGN7999, a monoclonal antibody inhibitor of TMPRSS6, increase serum hepcidin and cause deep, sustained reductions in serum iron in healthy human volunteers
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Low flow anesthesia : mission impossible?
Retailoring training programmes in anaesthesia and intensive care after the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak
Burden of migraine in patients attending Belgian headache specialists : real-world evidence from the BECOME study
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General purpose models for intravenous anesthetics, the next generation for target-controlled infusion and total intravenous anesthesia?
Transferring nursing home residents to emergency departments by emergency physician-staffed emergency medical services : missed opportunities to avoid inappropriate care?
- Journal Article
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Sedation and analgesia for reduction of pediatric ileocolic intussusception
- Journal Article
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And they slept happily ever after : online interpretive repertoires on the use of benzodiazepines and z-drugs
- Conference Paper
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Baselining physiological parameters in posture versus locomotion muscles across breeds towards tailored dietary and training management
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Infrared spectroscopy : a new frontier in hematological disease diagnosis
Gelatin-based hybrid hydrogel scaffolds : toward physicochemical liver mimicry
Simulation-based education in anaesthesiology residency training in Europe : a survey-based cross-sectional study
Fatigue amongst anaesthesiology and intensive care trainees in Europe : a matter of concern
- Journal Article
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Cx43 can form functional channels at the nuclear envelope and modulate gene expression in cardiac cells
- Journal Article
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A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 1 trial of radiopaque islatravir-eluting subdermal implants for pre-exposure prophylaxis against HIV-1 infection
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Identification of drugs acting as perpetrators in common drug interactions in a cohort of geriatric patients from Southern Italy and analysis of the gene polymorphisms that affect their interacting potential
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Urinary biomarkers in a living donor kidney transplantation cohort : predictive value on graft function
Pharmacokinetics and target attainment of ß-lactam antibiotics in older adults : a systematic review
Incidence, evolution and risk factors of hypophosphatemia in patients with solid tumors receiving ferric carboxymaltose : a retrospective cohort study
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Assessment of pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability following twice-daily administration of molnupiravir for 10 days in healthy participants
Glycomics-based serum markers as reliable tool for assessment of viral response after treatment with direct-acting antiviral drugs in hepatitis C virus infection
- Journal Article
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Meta-analysis : the impact of light-to-moderate alcohol consumption on progressive non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Antibiotic tissue penetration in the septic piglet versus the child : lessons learnt from microdialysis
(2023) JOURNAL OF VETERINARY PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS. In Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 46(Supplement 1). p.32-32 -
- Conference Paper
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A systematic review on pharmacokinetics and target attainment of ß-lactam antibiotics in older people
ESAIC focused guideline for the use of cardiac biomarkers in perioperative risk evaluation
- Journal Article
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Investigating levothyroxine use and its association with thyroid health in patients with hypothyroidism : a community pharmacy study
Microdialysis as a safe and feasible method to study target-site piperacillin-tazobactam disposition in septic piglets and children
PK/PD target attainment of current amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and piperacillin-tazobactam dosing regimens in older patients
Patients hospitalized with alcohol-related liver disease and prior bariatric surgery are more prone to develop acute-on-chronic liver failure
- Journal Article
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Pharmacokinetics and target attainment of ß-lactam antibiotics in older people : a systematic review of current literature
Tissue penetration of piperacillin-tazobactam in critically ill children : a microdialysis study
Immunotherapeutic targeting and PET imaging of DLL3 in small-cell neuroendocrine prostate cancer
Risk assessment for major adverse cardiovascular events after noncardiac surgery using self-reported functional capacity : international prospective cohort study
- Conference Paper
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PK/PD target attainment of amoxicillin-clavulanate and piperacillin-tazobactam in hospitalized older patients using current dosing regimens
Long-term outcomes and surgical complications of endonasal endoscopic surgery in ITAC
Checkpoint inhibitors in combination with stereotactic body radiotherapy in patients with advanced solid tumors : the CHEERS phase 2 randomized clinical trial
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NT-proBNP or self-reported functional capacity in estimating risk of cardiovascular events after noncardiac surgery
Assisted oocyte activation does not overcome recurrent embryo developmental problems
The prognostic value of heart rate variability after return of spontaneous circulation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients
Anesthesia specialty training in Belgium anno 2022 : time for revamping
Implementation of a treatment protocol in the ED to reduce admission rate of recent onset atrial fibrillation : a literature review
Chest compression release velocity : an independent determinant of end-tidal carbon dioxide in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Bag-mask ventilation by low- or untrained rescuers during resuscitation : a randomised cross-over study
Five versus two initial rescue breaths during infant CPR : a randomised cross-over manikin study using bag-mask-ventilation
- Journal Article
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Analysis of ergonomic occupational accidents and near misses in a large Belgian university hospital
- Journal Article
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Solid medical hospital waste in times of corona : increased volume but no increased biohazard risk
Healthcare resource use and cost implications of low dose methoxyflurane for severe trauma-related pain : a qualitative study
Heart rate variability at the Emergency Department : a new triage parameter?
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Application of the heme oxygenase-1/carbon monoxide pathway and the hydrogen sulfide pathway as new approach to prevent postoperative ileus
(2022) -
Opioid-sparing strategies and their link to postoperative morphine and antiemetic administration : a retrospective study
Incongruous effect of phenylephrine on changes in cerebral blood volume measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) indicating extracranial contamination
- Journal Article
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Five vs. two initial rescue breaths during infant basic life support : a manikin study using bag-mask-ventilation
- Journal Article
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Laryngoscopy mediated stress response induces opposite effects on cerebral and paraspinal oxygen saturation
Foxglove poisoning : diagnostic and therapeutic differences with medicinal digitalis glycosides overdose
Dissemination and use of point-of-care ultrasound by pediatricians in Europe : a research in European pediatric emergency medicine network collaborative survey
- Journal Article
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Effect of norepinephrine infusion on hepatic blood flow and its interaction with somatostatin : an observational cohort study
Untreated or early terminated CPR : the untold story ...
No golden eggs but ... tasteful nonetheless
- Journal Article
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Influence of continuous administration of phenylephine versus dobutamine on paraspinal oxygen saturation
Drug checking services increase the intention to use drugs in some (small) subgroups of music festival attendees
- Journal Article
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How (not) to prove that drug checking services facilitate access to difficult-to-reach communities who uses drugs, and (not) encourage drug initiation?
Recomendaciones en soporte vital pediátrico 2021, novedades y adaptaciones en España
Encouraging digital patient portal use in ambulatory surgery : a mixed method research of patients and health care professionals experiences and perceptions
European simulation-based education and training in anaesthesiology and intensive care : still a long way to go?
Cardiac biomarkers to assess perioperative myocardial injury in noncardiac surgery patients : tools or toys?
Effects of dobutamine on hepatic blood flow : preliminary results
(2022) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY. In European Journal of Anaesthesiology 39(e-supplement 60). p.9-9 -
2PRESCRIBE as international and digital case-based pharmacotherapy education and research platform
Cabozantinib plus atezolizumab in advanced head and neck cancer previously treated with platinum-containing chemotherapy : results from cohort 17 of the COSMIC-021 study
(2022) JOURNAL FOR IMMUNOTHERAPY OF CANCER. In Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer 10(Supplement 2). p.A597-A597 -
Allometric scaling in pharmacokinetic studies in anesthesiology
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Targeting angiogenic and inflammatory components of the tumor microenvironment in hepatocellular carcinoma
(2022) -
Unanticipated admission after ambulatory surgery in the pediatric population : a single-center retrospective analysis
- Journal Article
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Machine learning in anesthesiology : detecting adverse events in clinical practice
N-type inactivation variances in honeybee and Asian giant hornet Kv channels
- Journal Article
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Bayesian statistics in anesthesia practice : a tutorial for anesthesiologists
Deprescribing of psychotropics in primary care
(2022) -
Immune modulatory effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the perioperative period and their consequence on postoperative outcome
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Dissecting TILs and PD-L1 in head and neck cancer : (still) ready for clinical practice?
(2022) -
- Journal Article
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Should I, can I, dare I? Patients’ view on stopping long-term antidepressant use, a qualitative study
Novel modulators of connexin 43 hemichannel in the heart : from peptides to pathways
(2022) -
Current trends in anesthetic depth and antinociception monitoring : an international survey
- Journal Article
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General practitioners' perspectives on discontinuation of long-term antidepressants in nursing homes
- Journal Article
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Assessing the measurement error of different methods used to calculate Pulse Pressure Variation
- Journal Article
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The therapeutic landscape of salivary gland malignancies : where are we now?
The use of national reimbursement reports to support formulary decisions of the hospital's Drug and Therapeutics Committee : a comparative analysis
- Journal Article
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Use and safety of aprotinin in routine clinical practice : a European postauthorisation safety study conducted in patients undergoing cardiac surgery
- Journal Article
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Comparison of coagulation monitoring using ROTEM and Sonoclot devices in cardiac surgery : a single-centre prospective observational study
- Journal Article
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Using natural language processing to automatically classify written self-reported narratives by patients with migraine or cluster headache
- Journal Article
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Accidental ocular chemical injury following alcohol-based hand sanitizer exposure : incidence and management
Adipose tissue insulin resistance is a determinant of disease severity in pediatric nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Metallothioneins alter macrophage phenotype and represent novel therapeutic targets for acetaminophen-induced liver injury
- Journal Article
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The incident management response of the emergency departments in Belgium during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Short and medium-term outcomes of patients with solid cancer hospitalized with COVID-19 in Belgium according to cancer diagnosis and treatment characteristics
- Journal Article
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Phase I/IIa trial of BMS-986148, an anti-mesothelin antibody–drug conjugate, alone or in combination with nivolumab in patients with advanced solid tumors
- Journal Article
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Concordance, correlation, and clinical impact of standardized PD-L1 and TIL scoring in SCCHN
Outcome and characteristics of patients presenting to the emergency department with respiratory symptoms during the first COVID-19 wave
A retrospective validation of COVID-19 referral criteria to the emergency department
- Conference Paper
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Dynamic network approach to the language assessment in glioma patients : on event-related potentials and spontaneous speech monitoring
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Dynamische netwerkaanpak voor taalevaluatie bij patiënten met een hersenglioom : over event-gerelateerde potentialen en spontane taal
Delayed presentation of acute stroke patients in a Belgian stroke center during the first COVID-19 wave
Health-care workers and facilities in Ukraine must be protected
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In vivo spatiotemporal control of voltage-gated ion channels by using photoactivatable peptidic toxins
- Journal Article
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What's new in intravenous anaesthesia? New hypnotics, new models and new applications
Glycomics-based serum marker as reliable tool for assessment of viral response after treatment with direct-acting antiviral drugs in hepatitis C virus infection
- Journal Article
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High frequency percussive ventilation : an asset to existing ventilation modi in intraoperative care?
- Journal Article
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Targeting gliovascular connexins prevents inflammatory blood-brain barrier leakage and astrogliosis
- Conference Paper
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The influence of sepsis on the tissue penetration of piperacillin-tazobactam in children : a microdialysis study in the juvenile pig
- Journal Article
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Ethical reflections on Covid-19 vaccines
Differential effect of exercise on bioenergetics and plasticity of the equine muscle
(2022) -
The science behind banning desflurane : a narrative review
Towards the discovery of prognostic and predictive biomarkers in CHEERS, a radioimmunotherapy phase II trial
- Journal Article
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Connexin 43 in mitochondria : what do we really know about its function?
Treating visceral leishmaniasis in the Indian subcontinent : new developments in a neglected disease
(2022) -
- Journal Article
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Breakthrough pain during cesarean section under neuraxial anesthesia : a two-center prospective audit
- Journal Article
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Neonatal Nav1.5 : pharmacological distinctiveness of a cancer‐related voltage‐gated sodium channel splice variant
- Journal Article
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Prevalence and management of drug interactions between nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antithrombotics in ambulatory care