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Het werk van Frans de Waal en de betekenis ervan voor de criminologie
(2025) PANOPTICON. -
People’s preferred balance between politicians, citizens, and experts in policy-making decisions
Analysing policy actors’ preferences for different modes of governing in local government
Extraterritoriality before the inter-American Commission
- Journal Article
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- open access
The politics of legal facts : the erasure of pushback evidence from the European Court of Human Rights
- Journal Article
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- open access
Crime within a bandwidth : testing 'the law of crime concentration at place' in Brussels
Loot boxes as part of a layered platform ecosystem : a multidisciplinary perspective
Transitional justice and the struggle for reparations for slavery and its ongoing legacies in the United States : Joyce Hope Scott in conversation with Cira Pallí-Asperó and Tine Destrooper
‘Mundus vult decipi’ : the (lack of) consequences of a large-scale match-fixing scandal on Belgian football
Algemeen bestuursrecht : grondslagen en beginselen
(2025) -
Unravelling the Zheyun Ye football scandal : a crime script analysis of the modus operandi to commit money laundering and tax fraud
It’s a man’s world but it would be nothing without a woman : the involvement of women in Belgian synthetic drugs trafficking
Learning from the past? How the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, civil society initiatives and survivor stories shape young Cambodians’ understanding of non-recurrence
Public–private partnerships in alarm monitoring and filtering : a Belgian case study into intrusion alarm management
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Development of a measure of anti-rape attitudes as a potential protective factor against rape perpetration
- Journal Article
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- open access
Intentions to steal : how equal is the interplay between anticipated moral emotions and self-serving justifications across male and female young people?
Regulae iuris in the legal historical perspective : essential stability vs evolving contexts
Ilya Kotlyar (UGent) -
Roman and medieval juristic regulae and brocarda from the structuralist perspective : real entities or 'signs'?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Entry mechanisms into the Belgian synthetic drugs market
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Financial crime scripting : an analytical method to generate, organise and systematise knowledge on the financial aspects of profit-driven crime
Are cannabis use problems comparable across individuals using for recreational and medical purposes? An international cross-sectional study of individuals who use self-grown cannabis
Neither laissez-faire nor prohibition : the khat regulation policy preferences of people who chew khat and local social service providers in Ethiopia
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Exploring the landscape of sentencing for terrorist offenders : a scoping review
Green finance in bulk shipping
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Should football care about its fans’ trust? A study into the consequences of a large-scale fraud scandal on sports fans’ integrity perceptions
Transformative justice and the need for a multi-dimensional understanding of impact
Extraterritoriality before the inter-American Court
Het (norm)doel heiligt de middelen, ook bij een toevalstreffer
Light pollution regulations and where to find them
- Miscellaneous
- open access
(2025) Prisons and the Colombian Constitutional Court. In Human Rights in Context Blog Post Season 2(Episode 17). -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The Brazilian Prison Context: A Permanent Unconstitutional State of Affairs?
De toetsing aan de vrijheid van onderwijs door het Grondwettelijk Hof : de wijze van toetsen onder de loep genomen
To speak or not to speak : de rol van leden met raadgevende stem in een beroepscommissie (noot onder arrest van 14 juni 2024, R.Stvb. nr. 2324-0422)
From human agency to meaningful human oversight? Mapping the opportunities and pitfalls in the decision-making process of place-based big data policing
'Devenir étranger·e' : politisation du regard et transformation de l’engagement politique en situation d’exil
The right not to use the internet
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Third party intervention in the case of Semenya v Switzerland (Grand Chamber)
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
De vrijheid van onderwijs als bevoegdheidsverdelende regel : een grondrecht en rechtsgrond voor samenwerking tussen de overheid en onderwijsverstrekkers
Meer differentiatie in het lerarenberoep? Een (on)gelijke behandeling van leraren op basis van hun opleiding
The tip of the iceberg : exploring the landscape of policing in a digitalized world
Rechtspraakoverzicht van het Europees Hof van Justitie met betrekking tot het Europees onderzoeksbevel 2020-2023
Police identity checks in Belgium : a critical media content analysis
Brusselse jeugddelinquenten : een andere taal, een ander regime
Controles BV-vrijstellingen en nieuwe verlengde onderzoekstermijn voor 2024
Mensenrechten dwingen tot verdergaande emissiereducties in historisch klimaatarrest
Ambitions et limites de la Stratégie de l'Union européenne pour la coopération dans l’indo-Pacifique
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Trading repaired and refurbished goods : how sustainable is EU exhaustion of trade marks?
De potentiële impact van het BBNJ-verdrag op de scheepvaart
Notariële aandachtspunten bij de uitrol van warmtenetinfrastructuur
De buitengrens verduidelijkt : geen vereffening rechtsplegingsvergoeding in burgerlijke zaken zonder opgave ervan