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Sapore and sapere : culinary imagery and the principle of Quaestio in the Allegory of Taste by Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel
Courting a dancing court in waiting : winning hearts & minds in Brussels embodying a restoration monarchy (1815 – 1830)
Ephemerality on the fringe : exploring the venues hosting power quadrilles in Brussels on the eve of Waterloo and beyond (1814 - 1816)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Molluscan remains as indirect proxy for identifying disintegrated mudbricks in Aegean Bronze Age archaeological contexts
The Minoan Palace at Malia. Synthetic review and new insights on the architectural sequence and local and Knossian building practices
Long live the medium : transgressing the boundaries of authorship in Jean Cocteau's ‘Orphée’
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Educatief onderzoek in de kunsten : een praktijkgebonden en nomadisch perspectief
Goddelijk licht : James Ensor en Gustave Doré
Principle of masking : wall paintings by Thomas Schütte and Ludger Gerdes, circa 1977
The principle of variety and the significance of culinary motifs in Early Modern Antwerp Banquets of the Gods
The medieval Vitruvius
Pieter Cristus en de post-Eyckiaanse schilders : archivalisch en materiaal-technisch onderzoek
(2024) -
Sterker dan Lord of the Flies: carnavaleske omkering in Jef Nys’ favoriete Jommekealbum [gesprek met Maaheen Ahmed over 'Kinderen baas']
Lazzaro Bastiani : a catalogue raisonné in the light of infrared reflectography analysis
(2024) -
Erfolgsfaktor Rubens? Das Projektmanagement für den feierlichen Einzug des Kardinalinfanten Ferdinand von Spanien in Antwerpen (1635)
(2024) -
Michelin’s illustrated guide to the battlefields of the Yser and the Belgian coast (1920) : guidebook, field manual or architectural compendium?
Extended characters : opera’s fascination with reconfiguring the character-performer relationship in the twenty-first century
(2024) -
The Joycean Society, de Dora García : dar visibilidade ou figurar, tempo para ler e falar
Reflecties : blikken op de Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
(2024) -
Reflections : views on the Collection Flemish Community
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Imag(in)ing Bairam : charting image of a Turkish festival in Picart and Bernard’s Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde (1723–1737)
Des soirées bien parisiennes : film projects
De plechtige openingszitting van het Parlement van Mechelen
In het teken van stedenbouw : Jules Van Volden (1865-1941), architect in de schaduw
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
1874-1875 : the birth of a fashion heritage consciousness in France
'The poetry of a room' : interior design and decoration
'C'est un travail noble' : fashion design
- Book Chapter
- open access
Against being born. On the works of Thierry De Cordier
The main extended character in Philip Venables's 4.48 Psychosis
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Hygrothermal performance of wooden structures in combination with bio-based insulation in future climates in Belgium
Village variations : modern projects and projections
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The environmental impact of circular building design : a simplified approach to evaluate remountable building elements in life cycle assessment
Impact of the building airtightness and natural driving forces on the operation of an exhaust ventilation system
O.-L.-Vrouw Oorzaak onzer Blijdschap van Tongeren : een middeleeuws fragment in omloop
Fashion creation as an embodied practice : of the kimono, patterns and the space in-between
The painter William Sheppard (fl. 1641-60) at The Hague in 1647
Rodenburg : een landschapsarcheologisch onderzoek naar vroege stadsontwikkeling in de Zwinregio (Aardenburg, provincie Zeeland, Nederland, ca. 300 - 1100 A.D.)
(2024) -
Hegemonie en historiografie : het documentaire film-essay als palimpsest
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
An exploration of artistic expressions of everyday peri-urban landscapes as a method of socio-spatial analysis in spatial planning
Blurry manifestos : Eshkol-Wachman movement notation and its militarised applications
Landkarte eines musikalischen Denkens : zum Nutzen der Skizzenforschung für das Fortleben der Aufführung von Luigi Nonos Prometeo
Project Village = Project Dorp
Stefan Devoldere, Maarten Liefooghe (UGent) and Sereh Mandias -
De middeleeuwse stoel van Sint-Lutgardis in Borgloon : een stand van zaken
Ergens in…Hasselt : relieken tussen Limburg en de wereld
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Of women who move forward : Sonia Rykiel’s ‘démode’
The métier of Olivier Theyskens : songs of innocence and experience
Birds of a feather flock together : of winged women, fashion and feminism
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Integrating the energy performance gap into life cycle assessments of building renovations
Buddhakṣetrapariśodhana : a Festschrift for Paul Harrison
Charles DiSimone (UGent) and Nicholas Witkowski -
- Conference Paper
- open access